Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Student experience and programming chapters

Two chapters

Enhancing Computing Student Employability Skills Through Partnership Working in STEM Outreach - Springer:
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29166-6_10

Scott Turner

Published in Software Engineering Education Going Agile Part of the series Progress in IS pp 67-71


Student volunteering is growing in the UK and elsewhere, and there is an ongoing debate about whether it is really “self-evidently a ‘good thing’” or there is a greater need for reflection to determine whether this statement is true (Holdsworth and Quinn, Studies in Higher Education35(1), 113–127, 2010). This paper presents a personal reflection of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) volunteering as a potential route to increasing Computing student’s employability.


  • 1.
    STEMNet (2015) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network [online] Available at: http://​www.​stemnet.​org.​uk/​ Accessed on: 24thJanuary 2015

  • 2.
    Sinclair J, Allen A, Davis L, Goodchild T, Messenger J, Turner S (2014) "Enhancing student employability skills through partnership working in STEM outreach; the University of Northampton approach " HEA STEM Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2013: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, University of Edinburgh, 30th April-1st May 2014

  • 3.
    Holdsworth, C., & Quinn, J. (2010). Student volunteering in English higher education. Studies in Higher Education35(1), 113–127.CrossRef

  • 4.
    Brewis, G., Russell, J., & Holdsworth, C. (2010). Bursting the bubble: Students, volunteering and the community. Research Summary.

  • 5.
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  • Review of a Problems-First Approach to First Year Undergraduate Programming - Springer

    Gary J. Hill   

    Published in Software Engineering Education Going Agile Part of the series Progress in IS pp 73-80

    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29166-6_11

    This paper, predominantly discusses the teaching of programming and problem solving to undergraduate first year computing students, using robots/robot simulators and visual programming to emulate the robot tasks. The needs to focus initial programming education on problem solving, prior to the teaching of programming syntax and software design methodology is also considered. The main vehicle for this approach is a robot/robot simulation programmed in Java, followed by the programming of a visual representation/simulation to develop programming skills.


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    2. 2.
      Hill G. J., Turner S.: Chapter 7:​ Problems First. In: Software Industry-Oriented Education Practices and Curriculum Development: Experiences and Lessons, M Hussey, X Xu & B Wu (Eds.), IGI Global, USA, pp 110-126, ISBN: 978-1-60960-797-5 (2011).
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    11. 11.
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    To read more go to: Review of a Problems-First Approach to First Year Undergraduate Programming - Springer

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